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Important updates and timely information for FSBPT members and stakeholders.

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FSBPT takes volunteer and employee health seriously. At this time we are not canceling any FSBPT events, however we are postponing our Item Writer Worskshop that was to be held in Washington state mid-March.

We ask that individuals use their personal judgement when determining whether to attend an FSBPT related function. If you are not feeling well or have potentially been exposed to the coronavirus you should follow the advice given on the CDC website or your local health authority website.

FSBPT understands that there are people who will not want to or be able to attend events based on their individual circumstances. We will work with our travel agents and hotel contacts to adjust reservations as necessary. We understand and appreciate people who make the difficult decision not to attend an event and will make sure that if there was a registration fee paid that it is refunded. 

It is also possible that FSBPT will ask individuals from affected areas to cancel their attendance at FSBPT events. We will determine specific criteria for what areas are affected based on the most recent information and communicate directly with any individuals in those locations. 

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates.

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