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In this News Brief:
Our 2021 Award Recipients
Please join us in congratulating our 2021 awardees! They will be honored at the Awards Luncheon at the Annual Meeting next year in Orange County, California.
Outstanding Service Awards
- Bill Boissonnault (APTA)
- Karen Gordon (TX)
- Sherri Paru (OR)
- Anne Thompson (GA)
- Bruce Wessman (ND)
- Krista Wolfe (PA)
Excellence in Regulation Awards
- Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy
- Oregon Board of Physical Therapy
Competence in Physical Therapy: A Framework for Understanding Effects of Disuse on Physical Therapy Performance
The Healthcare Regulatory Research Institute contracted with a cognitive psychologist to create a report focusing on the development of expertise and skill in complex domains. Subject-matter experts classified Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant work as critical work activities in terms of type of task/activity and type of ability required. The critical work activities were then rated for the expected rate of loss due to disuse and how quickly minimal competence can be regained. The results provide a scientific basis for policy recommendations concerning retraining after a period of disuse.
August Virtual Board Member and Administrator Training
Our Virtual Board Member and Administrator Training held in May was such a success, we are holding another one! The next training will take place August 28-30, 2021.
Saturday, August 28
11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. ET (2:00-3:00 p.m. break)
Sunday, August 29
11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. ET (2:00-3:00 p.m. break)
Monday, August 30
11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. ET
This training provides an in-depth understanding of your role as a regulatory board member or staff person in protecting the consumers of physical therapy services. We will give an overview of FSBPT’s member services, and Dale Atkinson will review important aspects of being a regulator and provide tips and lessons learned.
Additionally, the interactive conference platform will help you “get out of your seat” and fully participate!
All board members and board staff (administrators, licensing specialists, and attorneys) are eligible to participate at no cost. Please email communications@fsbpt.org for instructions on how to register and encourage your colleagues to join us as well….in fact, bring your whole board! This is an excellent opportunity to have multiple staff and board members attend as there are no travel requirements or restrictions.
2021 Delegate Assembly
This year, the Delegate Assembly will be held virtually. We will send more information to Voting Delegates, Selected Administrators, and Alternate Delegates soon.
- Candidate Forum 2: October 21, 7:00 p.m. ET
- Delegate Workshop: October 23, 2:00 p.m. ET
- Delegate Assembly: October 23, 4:00 p.m. ET
If you have any questions, please contact communications@fsbpt.org.
NPTE Presentation for Student Visits
Does your board present to student groups either in-person or virtually? FSBPT has recently updated a presentation with notes for board administrators or members who are asked to speak to PT and PTA schools about the NPTE and the purpose of regulation. It explains NPTE content and development, licensure and regulation, and the concept of professional integrity. There are opportunities to customize the presentation to make it reflect your board. The presentation is available in the Member's Area.
Share Your Webinar Ideas!
We are seeking presentation ideas and proposals for webinars we will be hosting throughout 2021. You can watch recent webinars and register for upcoming sessions on the new FSBPT events platform.
If you have a specific idea, please submit a proposal. However, we are also interested in learning about jurisdictions' experiences with regulatory topics and your general ideas on what issues we should examine. We encourage all board members, board administrators, and other stakeholders to please share topics and ideas with us.
FSBPT Forum: Using the Board Assessment Resource (BAR) Tool as Part of Strategic Planning
The Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy had used the early framework of the BAR to assess board performance during strategic planning to improve operations, orientation of board members and staff, and retention of information. This article is based on a 2020 Annual Meeting Webinar presented by Steven Scherger. Read the article.
Spotlight on Member Resources: Candidate Forum
The first Candidate Forum was held on Thursday, July 15, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. ET. Members can watch the recording in the Member's Area.
Our Gratitude for Volunteers
This month, we thank the generous volunteer members of these groups for their support of our mission:
- Exam Development Committees
- Item Writers
Webinar Clip: How Board Members Should Deal with their Professional Associations
This clip examining how board members should deal with their professional associations is from the webinar "Changing Hats: Conflicts Between Professional Interests and Public Protection in Board Decision-Making." You can watch the whole webinar and register for upcoming webinars.
In the News
"Fixing the internet will require a cultural shift," Colleen Walsh, The Harvard Gazette, May 28, 2021
"How can we regulate the internet in a way that lets us reap the game-changing benefits and avoid the equally huge risks? A Q&A with Francine Berman."
"Reducing administrative costs in US health care: Assessing single payer and its alternatives," David Scheinker, Barak D. Richman, Arnold Milstein, Kevin A. Schulman, Health Services Research, March 31, 2021
"Although moving toward a single-payer system will reduce BIR costs, certain reforms to payer-provider contracts could generate at least as many administrative cost savings without radically reforming the entire health system. BIR costs can be meaningfully reduced without abandoning a multi-payer system."
"Biden readies order to rein in worker non-compete clauses and make switching jobs easier," Christina Wilkie, CNBC, July 7, 2021
"Biden will call on the FTC to ban 'unnecessary' occupational licensing requirements, Psaki said. 'While occupational licensing can serve important health and safety concerns, unnecessary or overly burdensome licensing can lock people out of jobs,' she added."
Board Report
Motion - Approved
Approved Jurisdictional Grant to Puerto Rico not to exceed $35,000 to support use of NPTE and related products among PTA programs.
Motion - Approved
Approved award recipients as indicated below:
Bill Boissonnault (APTA)
Karen Gordon (TX)
Sherri Paru (OR)
Anne Thompson (GA)
Bruce Wessman (ND)
Krista Wolfe (PA)
Board Liaisons to Jurisdictions
Members of the Board of Directors serve as liaisons to multiple jurisdictions. Current liaison relationships are listed here for your reference.
Tom Caldwell
Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas
Ruggie Canizares
Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah
Ellen Donald
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina
Joni Kalis
Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming
Nancy Kirsch
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
Adrienne Price
Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
David Relling
Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Charles E. Reiter
The public member of the board does not serve as a liaison to jurisdictions.
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Staff Contact Information
Staff Contact Information
If you have questions, challenges or ideas, we want to hear from you!
(703) 299-3100
Point of Contact/Email Address
ADA accommodations
Christine Sousa
Assessment or examination development questions
Lorin Muelle
Susan Newman
Continuing competence
Jeffrey M. Rosa
Credentials review
Jaime Nolan, FCCPT
ELDD- Exam, Licensure and Disciplinary Database participation
Exam registration processing
Christine Sousa
Foreign educated issues
Leslie Adrian
Jamie Nolan
JAM- Jurisprudence Assessment Module
Legislation or Model Practice Act
Leslie Adrian
Meeting arrangements
Paul Delaney
NPDB reports/questions
Angela Burnham
PTC- Physical Therapy Compact
PEAT®- Practice Exam & Assessment Tool
Reimbursement of expenses
Other financial matters
Linda Michelsen
School reports
Score transfer & reporting
Christine Sousa
SCP PET- Supervised Clinical Practice Performance Evaluation Tool
Security issues
Susan Newman
Anything else, including news to share with members
William A. Hatherill
Caitlin Jennings

From the beautiful, bountiful, black-eyed Susan banks of the Potomac River, where the fish are faster, the fishing boats are longer, and the fishermen are still full of stories.
- William A. Hatherill, CEO