Get Ready for LIF!
Prepare your attendees for the Leadership Issues Forum (LIF): July 23-24, 2022!
- Compile a list of items you would like to discuss with other member jurisdictions and the FSBPT Board of Directors. LIF is an excellent opportunity to have meaningful dialogue and discussion and provide input from your jurisdiction to your Board of Directors.
- Are you sending a first-time delegate or funded administrator? This meeting also helps prepare them for their roles at the Delegate Assembly in October. Jot down your questions now!
We encourage you to use the month of June to discuss the above with your fellow board members and to give your questions and topics to your LIF attendees.
LIF Travel Authorizations
The Leadership Issues Forum is an invite-only event for funded administrators and funded delegates. (Alternate delegates can attend instead of the funded delegate when the funded delegate is unable to make it.)
We have sent travel authorizations to everyone who has confirmed their attendance and submitted their COVID-19 vaccination record. If you are an administrator or delegate who has not received a travel authorization and you are planning to attend in person, please contact us at
The Slate for the 2022 Delegate Assembly Elections
The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the slate for this year’s elections at the FSBPT Delegate Assembly. Candidate statements will appear in the Delegate Handbook, which will be available on the FSBPT website for membership review this summer.
The Nominating Committee will hold a virtual Candidate Forum on Thursday, July 14, at 7:00 p.m. ET to introduce 2022 candidates for the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee, in addition to a Candidate Forum in the fall. Further, the Nominating Committee will be seeking candidates interested in being slated for the 2023 elections. These positions will include Director #1 and Director #2. The qualifications for these positions can be found in the Board and Committee Job Descriptions.
Please join FSBPT in thanking the 2022 Nominating Committee Members, Debbie Kubota (Chair), Joseph Shanley, and Ron Barredo, for their work this year.
Ellen Donald (FL) President
David Relling (ND) President
Megan Certo (IN) Vice President
Michele Thorman (WI) Vice President |
Robert Friberg (GA) Nominating Committee Member
Flora Munoz Rivera (PR) Nominating Committee Member |
Take FSBPT’s Money!
Alabama, Iowa, North Carolina, Oregon, and Texas have recently taken a big step toward both administrative efficiency and protecting the public. They will leverage FSBPT funds to update their electronic systems, use the FSBPT ID, and send data to the Examination, Licensure, and Disciplinary Database (ELDD).
Your state should be next!
Thanks in part to savings experienced by holding virtual meetings and the recent overall investment performance, FSBPT’s board was able to set aside a $2.2 million grant for FSBPT member jurisdictions. Jurisdictions can apply for grants to fund consulting, programming, data entry, technological upgrades, and other activities that enhance updates to the ELDD.
We encourage you to reach out to Alabama, Iowa, North Carolina, Oregon, and Texas to learn more about how they are using this great resource. Please also let us know how we can help!
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)
FSBPT is committed to ensuring that our organization and our members not only recognize the value of DEIB, but take proactive steps to be inclusive.
As FSBPT President Nancy Kirsch said in a 2020 webinar, in order for regulators to fulfill their mission of public protection, members of the public must feel comfortable approaching regulatory boards for help, guidance, or to report a licensee. Members of the public must know that they will be accepted, listened to, and included. Additionally, NPTE candidates and licensees must feel included to trust that they will be treated fairly throughout the examination and licensure process.
FSBPT has taken concrete steps to become more inclusive. The Nominating Committee considers diversity when slating candidates for our Board of Directors and Nominating Committee. FSBPT has also given members multiple resources to help them consider and advance their own efforts. Additionally, FSBPT created a staff DEI Committee to proactively review and create plans to foster DEIB internally.
Fairness is also an essential focus of the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) development process. FSBPT assesses fairness at several steps. First, FSBPT trains item writers in strategies to avoid using insensitive language, or language that might disadvantage some test candidates due to accessibility. Experienced volunteers then help the item writer revise the question so that it only assesses critical, job-relevant knowledge. If the item writer cannot revise it sufficiently, volunteers discard the question. Next, the Exam Development Committee (EDC) reviews items; this is the final step before an item is eligible to be included on an NPTE.
FSBPT continuously examines and improves this process. Since 2016, when FSBPT engaged an external consultant on this topic, we have used a formal internal Fairness Review Committee. The committee has the responsibility to ensure test questions are reviewed for language and sensitivity issues, with the goal of making NPTE questions equally accessible to exam candidates of all backgrounds. At the same time, FSBPT created a tool for volunteers and committee members to more consistently assess item fairness. FSBPT has also adopted more sophisticated statistical analyses to detect test questions that might disadvantage some groups based on their demographic background. Our efforts in this vein continue, and in 2022 FSBPT is again working with an external consulting group to determine what improvements could be made to existing processes to further promote fairness and access.
We have included information and resources on DEIB on our website. We know we cannot honor our mission of public protection without being intentional about valuing DEIB among our staff, leadership, and members to better represent the public we serve.
Submit 2022 Excellence in Regulation Award Nomination: Forms—Due June 3
The Excellence in Regulation Award recognizes jurisdictions that have made significant accomplishments towards increasing public protection for consumers of physical therapy services in a number of areas. To nominate a jurisdiction, including your own, submit a Nomination Form by Friday, June 3, 2022. Late submissions will not be accepted.
FSBPT Board Member and Administrator Training
Are you interested in attending the virtual FSBPT Board Member and Administrator Training held August 19-21? Please save the dates, and express your interest in joining us. (Please note, we will only hold this event if at least thirty-five members register for it.) We will share more information soon.
Share Your Webinar and Annual Meeting Ideas!
We are accepting presentation ideas and proposals for 2022 webinars and in-person sessions at the 2022 Annual Meeting in Orange County, California.
If you have a specific idea, please submit a proposal . However, we are also interested in learning about jurisdictions' experiences with regulatory topics and your general ideas on what issues we should examine. We encourage all board members, board administrators, and other stakeholders to please share topics and ideas with us . You can watch recent webinars and register for upcoming sessions on the FSBPT events platform .
FSBPT Forum: Exploring the Challenges of Regulating a 'Hands on' Profession in a 'Hands off' Era
Boards must consider punitive, remedial, and preventative measures to best protect the public from boundary violations. This article is based on a 2021 FSBPT Webinar by Nancy Kirsch and Dennise Krencicki. Read the article.
Spotlight on Member Resources: Acronyms A-Z
FSBPT members and staff use a variety of acronyms. We have compiled a list of these acronyms along with descriptions and website links when appropriate.
Webinar Clip: Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare
In the clip below, Anthony Chang discusses AI in "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Physical Therapy: Exaggerated Hype or Paradigm Shift?" Watch full webinar recordings and register for upcoming webinars.
Our Gratitude for Volunteers
This month, we thank our generous volunteer members for their support of our mission:
- Item Writers and Item Writer Coordinators participating in the May 13-15 item writing workshop
Board Report
Recently, to advance the business of FSBPT, the board approved the motions listed.
2022-05-01 Motion
Approve grant funding request for ELDD/ technical improvements for Oregon for $18,300
2022-05-02 Motion
Approve additional board member, Ellen Kroog Donald, to be added to the Compensation Committee, Investment Committee, and Audit Committee
Board of Directors
Members of the Board of Directors serve as liaisons to multiple jurisdictions. Current liaison relationships are listed here for your reference.
Ruggie Canizares Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah
Ellen Donald Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina
Joni Kalis Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming
Nancy Kirsch Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont
Cynthia Potter Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia
Adrienne Price Arkansas, District of Columbia, Kentucky, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia
David Relling Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Charles E. Reiter The public member of the board does not serve as a liaison to jurisdictions
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Staff Contact Information
Staff Contact Information
If you have questions, challenges or ideas, we want to hear from you!
(703) 299-3100
Point of Contact/Email Address
ADA accommodations
Christine Sousa
Assessment or examination development questions
Lorin Muelle
Susan Newman
Continuing competence
Jeffrey M. Rosa
Credentials review
Jaime Nolan, FCCPT
ELDD- Exam, Licensure and Disciplinary Database participation
Exam registration processing
Christine Sousa
Foreign educated issues
Leslie Adrian
Jamie Nolan
JAM- Jurisprudence Assessment Module
Legislation or Model Practice Act
Leslie Adrian
Meeting arrangements
Paul Delaney
NPDB reports/questions
Angela Burnham
PTC- Physical Therapy Compact
PEAT®- Practice Exam & Assessment Tool
Reimbursement of expenses
Other financial matters
Linda Michelsen
School reports
Score transfer & reporting
Christine Sousa
SCP PET- Supervised Clinical Practice Performance Evaluation Tool
Security issues
Susan Newman
Anything else, including news to share with members
William A. Hatherill
Caitlin Jennings

From the white dogwood tree-lined banks of the Potomac River, where the fish are faster, the fishing boats are longer, and the fishermen are still full of stories.
- William A. Hatherill, CEO