In this News Brief:
Prepare for the Delegate Assembly
Motions for the 2020 Delegate Assembly are now available for review. If you have any questions about the motions, please contact
2020 FSBPT Board of Directors and Nominating Committee Candidate Statements
Candidates for this year’s elected positions for the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee have prepared statements you can review with your board before elections take place on Saturday, October 24, 2020. We encourage you to take some time reviewing their submissions. Candidates will also speak about their experience and answer questions at the virtual Candidate Forum on Thursday, October 22, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. ET.
2020 Candidate Statements for the Council of Board Administrators (CBA)
We are pleased to announce that Karen Gordon will be running for this year’s 2020 CBA Vice Chair and Scott Majors will be running for the CBA Nominating Committee. We encourage you to read their candidate statements.
Congressional Legislation on License Portability during a Public Health Emergency
Four U.S. Senators have introduced two new pieces of legislation to address the need for more flexible health care professional licenses, especially during public health crises.
COVID-19 has disrupted the health care system in multiple ways. Both patients and providers who are more interested in social distancing see more benefits to telehealth appointments. Additionally, hard-hit areas have suffered staff shortages and often need to rely on out-of-state providers to make up the deficits.
Obviously, states that were actively part of compacts, such as the jurisdictions actively issuing PT Compacts, had some flexibility already. However, many states do not have compacts, so the governors used their emergency authority to allow for increased telehealth and more relaxed rules on license portability. Unfortunately, these laws were inconsistent between states, which caused confusion. Some critics also argue that they happened too slowly. Therefore, some stakeholders advocated for federal solutions to these issues that would allow health care professionals to practice across state lines. However, the federal government currently does not have the ability to do this.
Therefore, Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) put forward the Equal Access to Care Act (S.3993) on June 17, 2020. This bill would allow licensed health care providers to practice in any U.S. jurisdiction, including providing telehealth services, during a public health emergency declared under the National Emergencies Act. The provisions of the law, if enacted, would go into effect immediately upon the declaration of an emergency and expire 180 days after the president declares an end to a federal emergency. The law would preempt state-based regulation including compacts, such as the PT Compact, during a state of emergency.
U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) also introduced similar legislation, the Temporary Reciprocity to Ensure Access to Treatment (TREAT) Act (S. 4421). This bill would allow any licensed health care provider to supply services, including telehealth services, in any jurisdiction when both the secretary of health has declared a Public Health Emergency and the president has declared a National Emergency. This would also remain in effect for 180 days after the secretary and president have concluded the state of emergency.
However, the TREAT bill differs from the Equal Access to Care Act in significant ways. It allows jurisdictions the ability to investigate, discipline, and ban providers from practicing in their jurisdictions. The jurisdiction would report such actions to the jurisdiction where the provider is licensed. The bill clarifies that telehealth providers would need to follow the policies of the jurisdiction in which they are licensed, not where the patient is located. The law also accounts for existing compacts between states by exempting providers who hold a compact privilege.
Serve on an FSBPT Committee!
Are you interested in serving on one of the committees below beginning January 1, 2021?
- Continuing Competence
- Education
- Ethics and Legislation
- Finance
- Resolutions
Learn how you can volunteer!
2020 Annual Meeting Webinar Series
As we've previously announced, FSBPT has cancelled all in-person meetings in 2020.
Instead, FSBPT is providing some educational content that would normally occur during the Annual Meeting via a series of webinars throughout the year. While cancelling the in-person meeting was not an easy decision, we are as excited about the quality of our webinar series as we have been about our in-person meetings. We have lined up outstanding speakers for you! Please take a look at the lineup, register, mark your calendars, and look out for more details.
Learn more about volunteering and read the detailed committee descriptions. Then submit your name for consideration. The survey will close on October 26, 2020. The Board of Directors will make appointments in late 2020.
Academy of Advanced Item Writers
Please join us in congratulating our 2020 awardees! They will be honored at the Awards Luncheon at the Annual Meeting next year in Jacksonville, Florida.
- Brianna Cowley, MO
- Paul-Neil Czujko, NY
- Julie Ronnebaum, IA
- Natalia Ruiz, NY
- Vickie Samuels, NC
- Samantha Satterfield, KS
- Dawn Smathers, MO
- Mary Suarez, AZ
- Heather Van Grootheest, MN
Virtual Membership Meetings
On July 22, FSBPT delegates and administrators attended the virtual Leadership Issues Forum to learn about important topics for the organization and jurisdictions. That same day, members joined our first Candidate Forum to hear directly from the candidates for the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee.
We will also hold several important virtual meetings in October. Please mark your calendars for the key dates of October 22, 2020, and October 24, 2020. We will be sharing more details with participants on how to register for and join these meetings soon.
Candidate Forum–2
October 22, 2020 | 6:00-7:00 p.m. ET
This forum provides a chance for delegates and other members to get to know the candidates who are running for the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee.
Attendees: Any FSBPT member. Delegates are required to attend.
Delegate Workshop
October 24, 2020 | 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
The Delegate Workshop will be an opportunity for Delegates to understand the technology that we will be using during the Delegate Assembly.
Attendees: Any FSBPT member. Delegates are required to attend.
Delegate Assembly
October 24, 2020 | 4:00-5:00 p.m. ET
Attendees: Any FSBPT member. Delegates are required to attend.
The Model Practice Act for Physical Therapy
The Model Practice Act (MPA) is the preeminent standard and most effective tool available for revising and modernizing physical therapy practice acts. The continuing movement to update physical therapy practice acts helps ensure that these documents provide the legal authority to fully protect the public while allowing for the effective regulation of the profession. The legislative language presented in the Model Practice Act is provided to state legislatures and members of the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy as a resource; actual legislative language will vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
We recently updated the practice act. Download the updated version now.
Textbook Survey
The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy is asking for your assistance in updating information about textbooks used by accredited physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education programs in the U.S. We are requesting documents that include all textbooks used within the current curriculum. We hope to receive all responses by October 1, 2020.
Why is FSBPT making this request?
FSBPT maintains a reference library for developing test questions to be used on the National Physical Therapy Examinations (NPTE). We want to ensure that this library reflects textbooks currently in use in accredited physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education programs across the nation, and ask for your assistance in updating this information. FSBPT previously surveyed PT and PTA programs in 2015 to obtain this textbook information. Through this new survey, we would like to capture changes in textbook use since 2015. With your help, the results will be used to ensure that the textbooks used to support the development of the NPTE exams are reflective of those used in PT and PTA programs. The results will also be made available as a resource for educators who are looking for alternative or additional textbooks to be used in their programs.
Will this information be shared?
Yes, the results of the survey will be posted on FSBPT's website and will be free to access. The results will consist of a complete list of textbooks, along with the number of PT and PTA programs using the books. Information from each school will be treated as confidential. No individual school or state will be identified, as some states only have a few programs and their schools would be easily identified.
What information is needed?
We are requesting four pieces of information for each textbook:
- Title
- Year
- Author
- Edition (e.g., 1st, 4th)
- Textbook medium (print, electronic, either, or both)
- ISBN 10 and ISBN 13 *optional*
However, any additional information included in an existing document will also be accepted. Please include your program information on all documents as well.
What formats are accepted?
FSBPT appreciates the effort taken and understands the time necessary to complete this request. In order to make this process as easy as possible, we will accept textbook information in a variety of formats. You will have the option to upload files that contain your program's textbook information (e.g., syllabi, master lists, bookstore lists for students, etc.). You will also have the option to enter all textbook information into a text box manually, if preferred.
We greatly appreciate your participation and taking the time to provide us with the invaluable information needed. Please contact Ashley Ray at (703) 299-3100 ext. 219 or if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
FSBPT Forum: The 2018 FSBPT Membership Survey and the Building Blocks of Success
The 2018 FSBPT Membership survey assessed members’ thoughts on important initiatives, services, and the value of the organization.
This article is based on a presentation by Megan Certo and Debra Semans at the 2019 FSBPT Annual Meeting.
Spotlight on Member Resources: Webinar Recording: It's Not Burnout! It is Moral Injury
FSBPT President Nancy Kirsch recently presented on Moral Injury. The concept of Moral Injury is relatively new to health care but closely related to the notions of burnout and moral distress.This presentation explored moral injury as it relates to physical therapy. In addition to introducing the concept of moral injury, we explored the impact on patients and clinicians. Recognizing the potential risk and harm of moral injury, we identified action strategies the regulatory community may consider to manage moral injury in the provision of physical therapy services.
Watch the webinar now. Our Gratitude for Volunteers
This month, we thank the generous volunteer members of these groups for their support of our mission:
Item Writers
In the News
"U.S. partially bases choice of sites for military bases on states’ success in improving reciprocity," Professional Licensing Report, July 27, 2020
"The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) confirms that decisions on where to site military bases and allocate other defense spending are being affected by the relative strictness of state policies for reciprocal licensing. The message came through clearly in a report the DOD delivered to Congress February 18 on state best practices and strategies for improving reciprocity for military spouses."
"No requirement to erase temporary ban on doctor’s treating female patients from federal Data Bank," Professional Licensing Report, July 27, 2020
"A Texas case centered on the question of whether a temporary restriction of a physician’s license should remain in the National Practitioner Data Bank, when the discipline against the physician was later dismissed."
"ABS Issuing Refunds, Launching Security Investigation for Virtual 2020 General Surgery QE," The American Board of Surgery, July 17, 2020
"The attempted administration of the virtual 2020 American Board of Surgery General Surgery Qualifying Exam was a failure. There is no way to sugarcoat it, and there is nothing that we, as an organization, can say right now to make those who were affected feel any better. We acknowledge that our failed attempt to deliver this exam has resulted in an incredible amount of stress for candidates. You are frustrated, angry and disappointed, and you have every reason to feel so. We failed to deliver the exam in a way that meets the standards to which we hold ourselves."
"Lawyer Disciplined for Suing Complainant," Rosen Sunshine, August 20, 2020
"We are often asked by clients who have had a complaint made to their regulatory body as to whether they have any recourse to take legal action against the complainant. A recent case from the Discipline Committee of the Law Society of Ontario (“LSO”) confirms the advice that we typically provide, which is that taking legal action against a complainant is not a good idea."
Board of Directors Report
Recently, to advance the business of FSBPT, the board approved the motions listed.
MOTION 20-08-01
Motion Approved:
Approve inductees into the Academy of Advanced Item Writers
- Brianna Cowley, MO
- Paul-Neil Czujko, NY
- Julie Ronnebaum, IA
- Natalia Ruiz, NY
- Vickie Samuels, NC
- Samantha Satterfield, KS
- Dawn Smathers, MO
- Mary Suarez, AZ
- Heather Van Grootheest, MN
MOTION 20-08-02
Motion Approved:
Approve Committee Chair appointments
- Education Committee – Cynthia Potter (PA) (extend 1 year)
- Ethics & Legislation: Kirk Peck (last year of 3 year term through 2021)
- Resolutions Committee: Crystal Ostline (NC)
MOTION 20-08-03
Motion Approved:
Approve Brian Miller’s for a one year extension thru 2020 on the Finance Committee.
MOTION 20-08-04
Motion Approved:
Approve postponing starting the revisions to the National Physical Therapy Exam Content Outline until 2022
MOTION 20-08-05
Motion Approved:
Change of MPA definiiton of Telehealth:
Telehealth is the use of information communications technologies to provide and support clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education and advice, public health, health promotion activities, health administration, consultation, and research. Technologies include but are not limited to videoconferencing, the internet, store-and-forward imaging, streaming media, and terrestrial and wireless communications and others as further established by rule.
Board Liaisons to Jurisdictions
Members of the Board of Directors serve as liaisons to multiple jurisdictions. Current liaison relationships are listed here for your reference.
Tom CaldwellArkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas | Ruggie CanizaresColorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah | Ellen DonaldAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina | Joni KalisAlaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming |
Nancy KirschConnecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont | Adrienne PriceDelaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia | David RellingIowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands | John YoungThe public member of the board does not serve as a liaison to jurisdictions. |
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Staff Contact Information
Staff Contact Information
If you have questions, challenges or ideas, we want to hear from you!
(703) 299-3100
Subject | Point of Contact/Email Address |
ADA accommodations | Christine Sousa |
Assessment or examination development questions | Lorin Muelle Susan Newman |
Continuing competence | Jeffrey M. Rosa |
Credentials review | Jaime Nolan, FCCPT |
ELDD- Exam, Licensure and Disciplinary Database participation | |
Exam registration processing | Christine Sousa |
Foreign educated issues | Leslie Adrian |
Immigration | Jamie Nolan |
JAM- Jurisprudence Assessment Module | |
Legislation or Model Practice Act | Leslie Adrian |
Meeting arrangements | Paul Delaney |
NPDB reports/questions | Angela Burnham |
PTC- Physical Therapy Compact | |
PEAT®- Practice Exam & Assessment Tool | |
Reimbursement of expenses Other financial matters | Linda Michelsen |
School reports | |
Score transfer & reporting | Christine Sousa |
SCP PET- Supervised Clinical Practice Performance Evaluation Tool | |
Security issues | Susan Newman |
Anything else, including news to share with members | William A. Hatherill Caitlin Jennings |
 | | Sign off: Look after yourself, do good, smile often, and enjoy the last days of summer! - William A. Hatherill, CEO